
This is a tough one...

...and I've been putting it off for a few days, okay really a few weeks.  I read back through my past posts and that definitely made me feel a little better about what I've been doing the past 2 years. 

Some of the last posts from then were regarding weight loss and fitness. The good news is I'm a little better with the whole working out/healthy eating thing and feel a ton healthier!  We have really tried to watch what we buy, as far as food is concerned.  And of course, when you are running 3-4 times a week, some pounds are definitely going to come off and your energy level is going to skyrocket!!

But, with all that said, I still don't feel like I'm where I need to be.  Training for the 13.1 miles proved to me, with God's power I can do what I set my mind to do.

Now, the hard part comes in.  I don't have an "event" to train for, so how do I keep myself motivated.  One of the girls who went on the Puerto Rico trip with us has been doing CrossFit for awhile.  It was something that sparked my interest because I've seen the CrossFit games.  Let me tell you, those people amazed me!!!  The strength they have!  So, my new friend invited me to come to her gym to check it out. 

I was totally smitten from the first time I even peaked at their website.  You see, Crossfit Solafide is a Christian family owned business.  On Sundays, they even have a Spritiual WOD (Work Out of the Day). 

So, I signed up!  And I'm loving it!  I've only been an official member for two weeks, but I can already tell a huge difference!  They've helped me with my diet and I'm starting to learn all the different moves/modifications. 
This is a group praying before working out!

So, here's where the blog comes in.  As I've said before I need accountability!!!  I have to keep talking about it or I will stop doing it!  And this time, I'm taking a huge step - I'm going to post before and progress photos!!!  I took photos the first night I went to a WOD and I'm going to post those now.  And then I will post monthly updates.  THIS IS SCARY!!!!

I normally look a little happier, but apparently I was concentrating :)

Help keep me accountable!!!!